Monday, 9 May 2016

Go Green: Wage An Eco-Friendly Jihad


Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth II, was addressing an enlightened gathering at Oxford University. He said, "From what I know of the Quran, again and again it describes the natural world as the handiwork of a unitary benevolent power. It very explicitly describes Nature as possessing an “intelligibility” and that there is no separation between Man and Nature, precisely because there is no separation between the natural world and God.”

Clearly, there is an inseparable relation between the environment and our soul. To wage an eco-friendly jihad will be a noble effort, to please God and ensure that we experience heavenly bliss in the here and now before we chance upon eternal paradise.  

The holy Quran offers a completely integrated view of the Universe where human souls and the environment are all part of one living, conscious whole. Therefore, it exhorts us to live a balanced, moderate and eco-friendly life without causing any harm to Earth. It says, "And do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption." (2:60) and “And do not desire corruption in the land. Indeed, God does not like corruptors." (28:77).

In the Quranic view, corruption on earth is not confined to only political crimes such as frauds, theft, rape, illegal banking or other prevalent malpractices. Deforestation, toxic waste, pesticides, and cutting trees are also part of grave corruption and hence brazen violation of true Islamic universal values. Prophet Muhmmad spent all his life in an eco-friendly jihad, saving humankind, caring for other creations, preserving the earth, planting trees and protecting the environment at large.

When the Prophet was just 12, he travelled to Syria with his uncle and took shelter under a tree. Today, after more than 1400 years, the same tree is alive in the northern deserts of Jordan. This tree, which sheltered the Prophet, is the only living tree in hundreds of square miles of emptiness. It speaks volumes about the Prophet’s utmost care for the preservation of trees. He left behind a living inspiration for all humankind to go green, for his holy shrine is known as “the Green Tomb”. Greatly venerated by Muslims the world over, it is one of the most visited Islamic heritage sites.

Just as the Prophet was keen on planting trees, his companions also keen and they carried on with this virtuous act. The Prophet promised ample rewards and heavenly bliss for those who engage in it in any way: “Whoever plants a tree and diligently looks after it until it matures and bears fruit is rewarded” (Musnad).

Like the above hadith, scores of prophetic sayings emphasise the need to go green, preserve the earth and become environment-friendly, reminding us of our humane duty to plant trees. For the Prophet, a tree was not only a resting place, but also an infinite mercy of God that one should take care of.  Ultimately, planting a tree is a Sadaqah Jariya or an ever-lasting charity in Islam. Whenever a human being or even an animal shelters under the shade of a tree or relishes a fruit that it produces, the planter earns infinite rewards, even after his death. For the poor and rich alike, planting a tree is the easiest and surest way to earn Sadaqah Jariya. So, let us all try and plant away. (The author is a classical Islamic scholar).

Mystic Mantra: The ummah of Hussain


The martyrdom of Imam Hussain was meant to rescue faith from the clutches of evil.

Muharram-ul-Haram, is one of the most remarkable months in the Islamic calendar. The 10th Muharram, when the holy grandson of the Prophet Muhammad was martyred for the cause of truthfulness and justice, reminds us of a turning point in the history of Islam. The martyrdom of Imam Hussain was meant to rescue faith from the clutches of evil.
Historically speaking, the Karbala revolution was an ideological battle between two characters — one spiritual and the other political. On one hand, Imam Hussain was an epitome of love, peace, wisdom, spirituality and humanitarianism. After the demise of his elder brother Imam Hasan, he became the legitimate spiritual guide of Muslims as an upright heir of the Prophet’s legacy. He respected the agreement of peace signed between his elder brother Hasan and Yazid’s father, Muawiya. Serving the community as a pacifist spiritual leader and a social activist, the Imam left no stone unturned to ensure peace and equilibrium in the society.
Yazid, a corrupt, drunkard, warmonger and a mischief-maker, rose to political power. In his bid to seek mundane pleasures, he wantonly killed innocent civilians, raped and maimed women. Adhering to righteousness and challenging Yazid’s atrocities, Imam Hussain refused to pay allegiance to him. When he received the letter from Yazid, he boldly responded to his ambassador, “A person like me would not take the oath of allegiance to a person like Yazid.” Hussain was aware of the fact that he would be martyred in the battle of Karbala, because he had a tiny group of friends and relatives to fight Yazid’s huge army. But he had the courage and conviction to uphold the truth. His martyrdom came as a serious setback to every truth-seeker. Hussain’s martyrdom serves as a reminder to us to take cognisance of the real objective of jihad.

Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi is an alim (classical Islamic scholar) and a Delhi-based writer. He can be contacted at:
Imam Hussain’s Birthday: A Reminder to Radicals of the true meaning of Jihad

By Ghulam Rasool Dehlvi
24 June 2012
Today is one of the most remarkable days in Islamic history, the birthday of the saviour of Islam from the clutches of evil, Imam Hussain ibn Ali. He was the son of the 4th rightly guided Caliph Hadhrat Ali (R.A) and Hadhrat Fatima (R.A)
Imam Hussain is viewed as an icon of lofty principles in the Islamic history. He strongly refused to surrender to the unjust and tyrannical ruler Yazid, who walked away from the Islamic concept of leadership through consensual democracy and created a completely dictatorial dynasty. However, the sacrifice of Imam Hussain is looked up as the revival of the faith and Islamic principles of freedom, democracy, fairness and justice.

Imam’s birthday serves as a reminder today to tell the people about the real objective of his sacrifice. If we Keep this in view, we will easily realize that the present day Muslims who make false claims of being Mujahidin (fighters in the path of Allah) and commit the barbaric acts of violence calling themselves Muslims, are just terrorists as these acts go completely against the true essence of Imam Hussain’s Jihad.

Imam Hussain distinguished the truth from the falsehood for once and all when he said to the ambassador of Yazid," A person like me would not give the oath of allegiance to a person like Yazid.", which implies that the truth cannot bow down to falsehood or evil, no matter how powerful the tyrant or the dictator is.

In a sermon while proceeding towards Karbala, Imam Hussain said to his followers," O' people, The Prophet of Islam has said that if a person sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and oppressing people, but does nothing by word or action to change the situation, then it will be just for God to place him where he belongs. Do you not see what low level the affairs have come to? Do you not observe that the truth has not been adhered to and falsehood has no limits? And, as for me, I look upon death but as a means of attaining martyrdom. I consider life among transgressors an agony and affliction."
Ever since, Hussain has been an epitome of justice and tolerance not only for the Muslims but also for every human being with whom injustice is being perpetrated, no matter to which religion he belongs and in which form is the injustice. Nearly each and every remarkable revolution of the world got inspiration from the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. Although his sacrifice occurred on Karbala some 1400 years back, it still remains as a symbol of an universal struggle for peace and justice and elimination of violence and terrorism.
One of the most inspiring words ever said is that of Imam Hussain which he spoke while addressing the enemies in Karbala: “If you do not have religion, at least be a free man in your life of this world," because a free man can differentiate between the good and evil more easily than a biased one.
The Holy Prophet had very often insisted upon his Umma not to forget Hussain. This insistence of Prophet Mohammad clearly suggests that those who tend to forget Karbala and the Martyrdom of Hussain will cause compromises in his mission. Today, the radical Muslims who claim to be custodians of Islam and go on killing innocents in the name of Jihad have forgotten Imam Hussain and his martyrdom.